I know it's popular to fuss about New Year's resolutions and remind everyone that those-things-never-stick, but GOLLY! I LOVE the opportunity to begin again! As I looked back at the last year, one of the glaring opportunities for change in the new year was my own reading. I read a lot to my children, but over the past year, (that included having a baby, amongst other big changes) I've not read a lot of good, meaty material. I think I've been snacking on little bites and nibbles of information throughout the day, whether from blog posts or online articles. But I haven't really had any good, satisfying brain food this past year. And I want to change that. So...I created a 2016 Book Challenge for myself...and for you, if you'd like it. My challenge included 24 categories/ criteria, which is pretty doable for me, I think. I printed this on both sides of a piece of parchment paper, which makes for two long bookmarks (obvious enough I shouldn't forget it). I also printed one on a single sheet of paper, folded it in half lengthwise and punched holes in it for the binder I use for homeschooling/ everything-else-in-my-life. I'm planning on writing titles in the space below every prompt. If you'd like to join me, the download is available at my dropbox here. Let me know if you decide to join my challenge!
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September 2016
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